About Us
We believe in peace, love, freedom, and selling great records at reasonable prices.
We operate out of North Brisbane and keep a relatively small, slowly expanding collection of music we value. Sometimes we get out and about on the North Side, find out where in Red Pill News
We're here because we love music. You can read about some of our favourites in Red Pill Recommends.
We sell new and second hand records. The site has plenty of filter options, so it should be easy to shop particular categories and conditions, as you please.
If you're unsure about buying second hand vinyl online, have a look at our Gradings page. It's pretty straight forward. Gradings are done audially and visually. Our listings are detailed where necessary, and can be found in the Comments section of each product page.

Carefully Created By A Couple Of Twats Who Reckon They Know Heaps About Music